Monday, July 18, 2005


I have grown as the seasons changed
I have realized change is good and necessary
Yet it is the hardest thing to do.
I grew in mind and body yet I changed not in temperament
I thought I was same as the years before changing only when it is convenient for me
But I have realized I do change as the seasons do
The spring my youth when I look back I see happiness and Naievete
The times my parents miss because I was fun to be around.
The summer my era growth the year when the shroud of ignorance was raised a little
I grew to know things beyond the comprehension of my younger peers
I felt superior yet I knew I was missing something
The autumn my golden age I was the popular protector my ignorance had seemed to vanish but then again ignorance is bliss I knew not how ignorant I was
As I grew to realize the leaves had already fallen and the winter was nearly upon us
The winter my time of freedom granted by my elders but that freedom was not so free as I thought I realized this and I have become this being that stands before you just waiting for the spring to come again
I feel as though I have left behind the other seasons but I still carry them with me
No matter how much I seem to despise them they will always be there
I will feel my past no matter how repressed it may be I still feel it
Lurking just beyond my sight just waiting for me to accept it with open arms


Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

You use a time-honored theme, seasons, with a unique effect, here. There are universal themes here. But also concretes about your own life. The mix is quite interesting. A combination of the particular you with the universal and timeles.

The line about "I feel as though I have left behind the other seasons but I still carry them with me" is quite striking . . .

11:21 PM, September 16, 2005  

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