Monday, July 18, 2005


Whether they be good or bad
By fate or free or free will
They will occur in an ironic never ending cycle
As difficult to deal with as death or as easy as the end of a movie
We all move on until we too end.
Our fall will not shake the earth for in the scheme of things we are all insignificant
We all are soon to be forgotten
Except for the select few who we truly touched
Even they with time shall fade and with them we fall too
The great end of us all is approaching and with it all knowledge of us is as good as gone.
I am as prepared as I will be for the end
So all I can say is…..
Farewell to all of you.


Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

I really enjoy the way you take on very large topics with straightforward language that still ends up having a unique, fluid feel to it. It takes a deft hand to do that.

I like the point about the "ironic never ending cycle."

I hoped you like my piece "Embers" at my site. I think we both took on the same topic, but with different results. My product is more unsure, questioning. Yours is more melancholic. But I can relate to it, nonetheless.

11:06 PM, September 16, 2005  

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